
6 Foods and Drinks to Keep Blood Sugar Low and Prevent Diabetes

6 Foods and Drinks to Keep Blood Sugar Low and Prevent Diabetes

Getting diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes may feel like a death sentence to many - bland, tasteless food and drinks for the rest of your lives does not sound appealing to anyone. We are here to help! Here are 6 foods and drinks to keep your blood sugar low and prevent diabetes. Although the foods and drinks listed below are healthy alternatives, be sure to consume everything in moderation.


1. Whole Grains

Glucose levels in the blood spike when carbohydrates (rice, cereal, roti canai, white breads, pasta, etc) are consumed, which is why it is important to consume whole grains instead of refined grains. Whole grains help regulate blood sugar as it is higher in fiber and it does not spike blood glucose levels after consumption. Alternatives like millet, whole grain bread, lentils, beans, brown rice are delicious and you can experiment with all kinds of healthy but tasty recipes to suit your palate.


2. Fatty Fish

Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, halibut, sardines, herring, anchovies, and mackerel have major benefits for the heart. “What do benefits for the heart have anything to do with diabetes?” You may ask. Well, people with diabetes have an increased risk of stroke and heart disease hence getting enough of these fats are essential for diabetics to stay healthy. Also, fatty fish will keep you satiated and full which will reduce overall portion size and regulate blood sugar.


3. Green Vegetables

Growing up, often times we would hear our parents telling us to “eat your vegetables.” And there’s a reason for that. We all know that vegetables are good for us but why and in what way? Primarily, vegetables, especially leafy greens, are high in fiber and low in GI (Glycemic Index) score. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, bok choy, lettuce and cabbage are not only scrumptious but help diabetes management and prevention. So eat up!


4. Protein

A good source of protein to have are lean meats. Always go for the lean cuts when you’re shopping at the grocery store and eating out. Other than the usual white and red meats that we normally get protein from, a dairy form of protein that is safe to consume for diabetics are Greek yoghurt and cottage cheese. Both of them are not only delicious, high in calcium and protein, but also probiotics. These will help improve blood sugar and even aid in weight loss. Add them to your salads or even use them as dip for your whole grain breads or pitas for a worry-free meal.


5. Nuts and Seeds

Another low GI scoring food types are nuts and seeds. Nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamias and pistachios can help regulate and reduce blood sugar after meals. It keeps you full and satiated for longer periods of time due to its high fiber content. They are small and easy to carry with almost no preparations needed which means it’s great as a snack! So instead of chips and crackers, grab some nuts instead! Now, moving onto seeds. They are smaller than nuts but don’t underestimate the nutritional punch these seeds provide. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants, omega-3, calcium and, you guessed it, fiber! The viscous fiber in chia seeds lowers blood sugar and reduces hunger. You can add ground up chia seeds into your food for extra nutrients and added texture and taste!


6. Flavorful, low-calorie drinks

Living with diabetes or preventing it doesn’t mean that you will need to drink boring ol’ plain water for the rest of your lives! Here are a few ways to spruce up your drinks to make them flavorful, (and low-calorie) and enjoyable to drink! Add fruits like lemon, blueberries or strawberries into your water and leave it to soak. The fruit infused water is not only tasty but is a healthy alternative as well! If you like cold tea, try adding lemon with a cinnamon stick in it! These drinks will fill you up and satiate your sweet tooth so that you won’t be craving other foods. If you are adventurous or prefer to have a little bit of a bite in your water, try adding chia seeds! Soak them in water for at least 4 hours and it’s ready for consumption! It’s low in carbs and high in fiber that will help you feel full for longer. Also, don’t forget that it has antioxidant properties! Win-win!